Thursday, September 1, 2016

Fasting Protocols And Cell Expansion Protocol For Muscle Mass 

Click Here! to get the real secrets to HUGE MASS.  I learned everything from Brad Pillon's system.  I am not ashamed to recommend it, he is that good.

Introductory Fast

The introductory fast is for you to try in order to get your body accustomed to fasting. It consists
of an 18-hour fast followed by eating – your sleep time is included in the 18-hour fast. This consists of drinking only water or green tea during the 18 hours. You will do this one once a week  for 2 weeks.

During any of the fast protocols, you will notice that hunger grows stronger and then passes in waves; the first few times you do the fast you might find yourself feeling irritable and in an overall bad mood. This is okay – it is normal and natural and to be expected, and in a few weeks you will get used to it. I personally do a 36-hour fast every week, either a water fast or I might have a 240-calorie shake depending on how I feel. I normally fast on Monday and Tuesday of each week.

Use the following steps:
  • choose one day to be your fast day;
  • your meal the last day before the fast day should be no later than 10:00pm;
  • wake up at 6:00am after getting 8 hours sleep and immediately have a large glass of water;
  • keep drinking water or green tea until 6:00pm; and,
  • eat what ever you want for dinner.
You have completed your first 18-hour fast.

Alternate-Day Fasting

Alternate-day fasting consists of a Fast Day followed by a Feed Day. On the Fast Day you will eat a 400-600 calorie meal.

Use the following steps:
  • eat a 400-600 healthy meal for breakfast or lunch and drink water or green tea for the rest of the day;
  • the next day eat whatever you want, but still make healthy food choices;
  • the day after, do another fast day with a 400-600 calorie healthy meal; and,
  • keep alternating this for as long as you wish.

The Five And Two Fast

This fasting protocol consists of eating normal healthy meals for five days in a week and fasting for 2 days back to back. The fast days also consist of a 400-600 calorie healthy meal. I suggest you choose
the same 2 days every week as your fast day so you can work your schedule around it.

Use the following steps:
  • on your fast day, eat a healthy 400-600 calorie healthy meal and drink lots of water or green tea during the rest of the day;
  • the next day eat another healthy 400-600 calorie healthy meal, and drink lots of water or green tea during the rest of the day; and,
  • eat normally for the rest of the week, still making healthy food choices.

The Six And One Day Water Fast

This protocol consists of eating normally 6 days a week and then doing a water and green tea fast on one day.

Use the following steps:
  • eat normally during the week;
  • have your last meal at about 10:00pm the night before the fast day;
  • on the fast day, drink a combination of water and green tea, drinking a glass of water if you feel hungry; and,
  • the next day when you wake up, have a nice healthy breakfast
I hope you found this helpful.  Click Here! to see a great program to get shredded now!!